915e Tegal

Plasma Etching System Terminal Replacement

     Several types of Digital Equipment terminals are used for manual control of 915e Tegal Plasma Etching System. Most of them are at their end of life-time by now. That was the reason why we designed replacement solution of the terminals. We used embedded system with common 17" TFT display and standard PC keyboard and mouse for this purpose.

     Our terminal replacement solution makes use of fanless embedded system based on Intel x86 architecture with graphics unit and bootable flash disk which contains operating system and licensed VT340 terminal emulation software. Standard RS-232C serial line is used for communication with Tegal plasma etching system.

Tegal Terminal Replacement
Tegal Terminal Replacement

2EL Computer s.r.o., Bezrucova 788, 511 23 Turnov, CZ, Phone/fax: +420-481 321 889, Phone: +420-481 440 417, e-mail: cerny@2elcomp.cz