2EL Computer s.r.o.

     The company was founded in 1998. In addition to the activities in the field of reselling computers and peripherals we provide our customers with services regarding computing systems and microelectronics. We carry out repairs of personal and industrial computers including special industrial hardware.

     We are able to develop particular microelectronic devices for special purposes. We specialize in solutions based on microcomputers. An example of our product is TU58 tape drive emulator. This device replaces tape drives and cartridges used in old minicomputers based on PDP-11 core.

     Of course, our products are equipped with appropriate utility software.  We offer development of tailor-made software especially for industrial process control.

2EL Computer s.r.o., Bezrucova 788, 511 23 Turnov, CZ, Phone/fax: +420-481 321 889, Phone: +420-481 440 417, e-mail: 2eltn@2elcomp.cz